This is for someone who really want fast and dramatic results in the shortest amount of time possible.
We have 2 plans to choose from.

Anyone who is familiar with Fasting knows that a successful Fast depends highly on how one enters and exits a Fast. No body should dive head first into a fast without proper planning.That’s why this Overhaul Level1 is perfect for anyone! We break it down into 3 phases. The first 4days are the Entering Phase. The 5th, 6th, and 7th day are the Fasting phase where you eat nothing. Only water and juices are allowed. The last 2 days are the Exiting phase to help you end the Fast. We recommend you eat only raw fruit and vegetables while on this plan.

2 days of Mini Fast level1. Fastling with juice and water until noon.

2 bottles / meal
2 bottles / day
for 2 days

2 days of Mini Fast level 2. Fastling with juice and water until dinner.

2 bottles / meal
4 bottles / day
for 2 days

3 days of Mini Fast level 3. Eat nothing, but water and juice for 3 days

2 bottles / meal
6 bottles / day
for 3 days

1 days of Mini Fast level2. Fastling with juice and water until dinner.

2 bottles / meal
4 bottles / day
for 1 days

1 days of Mini Fast level1. Fastling with juice and water until noon.

2 bottles / meal
2 bottles / day
for 1 days
THB 7,800
Details on membership

No food – only juice.  Replace all 3 meals for a total body overhaul and fastest results! This is the most extreme program of them all. You must follow our diet recommendation before entering the program. Also exit the same way to avoid extreme side effects by eating only raw unprocessed food (mainly veggies & fruit) 3-4 days before the fast and 2-3 days after the fast.

12 Bottles for 3 Days
2 Bottles/Meal
4 Bottles/Day

Prepare yourself by eating mainly raw veggies and fruits. Avoid any cooked or processed food for 3-4 days before entering a fast.

After the Overhaul Juice Fast, make sure you continue with raw fruit and veggies for another 2-3 days. A key to a successful fast is to slowly introduce foods back into your system.

THB 13,000
Details on membership